Chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa chos kyi dbyings rnam par nges pa

From Buddha-Nature

chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa zhes bya ba'i bstan bcos rnam par bshad pa chos kyi dbyings rnam par nges pa
Ascertaining the Dharmadhātu: a Detailed Explanation of the Dharmadhātustava
Commentary of Dharmadhātustava

In this commentary on Nāgārjuna's Dharmadhātustava, the renowned Sakya scholar Śākya Chokden reasons that he wrote this commentary because many scholars misunderstand dharmadhātu or sphere of reality to be mere emptiness that is non-implicative negative and do not understand that it has a luminous aspect of awareness.

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Text exists in ~ Tibetan
Literary Genre ~ Commentaries - 'grel pa
Commentary of ~ Chos kyi dbyings su bstod pa